I’d like to invite you our exhibition at Brighton Art Space

Informal – Opening night –  Friday 25th October 6pm – 9pm

Saturday – 26th 11 – 6pm

Sunday  – 27th 11 – 4pm

This exhibition presents two interconnected bodies of work exploring the often unspoken bonds between mother and daughter.

My Mum’s Nighties & One a Day for a Year

My Mum’s Nighties was born out of the urgency of loss. After the sudden death of my mum, I photographed her belongings — items such as her collection of fans, watches, slippers, carrier bags and even old receipts.

This process made me think about  the objects we leave behind and their  emotional resonance. The series questions whether the possessions we leave can encapsulate a life. I found hardly any traces of her bond with me.

One a Day for a Year is a project made with my daughter. For one year, from the age of 10½ to 11½, I photographed her face. Each day we stood opposite each other and spent just a few moments on our daily ritual. I loved looking at her through the view finder. The images were taken during ordinary and extraordinary moments of her life—from grumpy mornings to celebrations, school days, and holidays. It shows the subtle  transformation as she grew from a carefree child to a self-conscious pre-adolescent. According to the Collins Dictionary “he’s at the in-between stage, neither a child nor an adult.” In this case he is a she.

In conjunction with Photo Fringe  I am exhibiting with the fabulous  Tolly Robinson  we will both be around to greet you and talk about our work and your responses.


Sketchbook: Working out how to progress.


Sketchbook: Wrote many notes to myself.


Sketchbook: These items were on my mums table and re not in the final zine.

Here are a few from the One a Day for a Year: you can see more here

One a day for a year T mooseazim.com 1 copy One a day for a year T mooseazim.com 3 copy One a day for a year T mooseazim.com 7 copy One a day for a year T mooseazim.com 10 copy One a day for a year T mooseazim.com 22 copy

One a day for a year T moose azim

Here’s a selection from One a Day for a Year