Citizen of Everywhere

Yes I did attend this anti T ….. march in London yesterday  the 13th July 2018 but I’m not here to talk about politics. I want to share two of my talented friends with you. Ruby Millington an ” iconic bird” and very experienced and insightful writer, she made this bracelet to wear yesterday and maybe for ever. Have a little fun and see the Ruby version of the world by following  her instagram. Shireen Laine “artist” made the doctored flags we carried through the streets in protest. Shireen who I might add is an American living in London has been making versions of these flags since attending St Martins Art School. This talented lady was also signed to Virgin Records with her band Slingbacks, but’s that a story for another time.

Ruby’s instagram kaizenenterprises

Protest Flags mage by Shireen LaineProtest Flags

Shireen Laine preparing for the march at Kings X

Shireen Laine preparing for the march at Kings X

Shireen Laine

Shireen Laine

Citizen of everywhere

Ruby Millington made this



London protest flags for the anti T….. march


London protest for the anti T….. march

London protest for the anti T..... march

London protest for the anti T….. march

Anti T….